February 20, 2010

Goodnight, Moon


If we are in the car after it is dark out and the moon is up, Perpetual Motion cries out for the moon until she catches a glimpse of it through the car window.

Watch out if for some reason, like, I dunno - we are DRIVING somewhere and have to TURN - and therefore she can no longer spot her shiny friend.

Then there is much sadness and wailing for the moon.


A friend came over to play with us today and Miss Thing did sooooooo much better than previous play-date events. She only took things a couple of times, and gave them back if I asked her to.

She also cried when they left because she was already missing them.


For the first time EVER (aside from a few newborn moments), Rocket Man put the child to bed. She did her usual whine a bit about anything she can think of to delay bedtime routine, which doesn't ever work for her, so I am not sure why she keeps doing it...but aside from that, it was smooth bed-time-ing.


We are supposed to clean out closets this weekend. That may sound like a strange thing to you all, but we tend to, um, store things in our closets. This storage is most likely to occur when we really don't need or want the items any longer. Therefore, cleaning out aka tossing a bunch of stuff, will greatly assist us in moving right along the we're moving to Russia track.


Today it was about 60 degrees outside, though very overcast and somewhat chilly with the breeze. Yes, I am aware that most of my relatives have some choice words for me after that revelation. My point? We shall soon be the "It's sooooo cold...." winners because where we're headed the SUMMER months are what we experienced today.


At least I can wear pants all year long. I hate shorts. They are awful. Skirts are okay, but pants? Awesome.


I wonder how I'll feel about snow-pants. Looking and feeling like the Good-Year Blimp can't possibly be all it's cracked up to be. Actually, I've never heard of it being cracked up to be anything, so...who came up with that phrase anyway?!?


Still no Doggy home. Poor Cooper. Flop, flop, flop.


Goodnight, Moon.

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