September 19, 2013

Boston Bruins

Hello there!  I know, I've been missing.  Right now we are in the process of preparing for a move, so I cannot promise that I'll put much on here, but I do have something for you to take a look at in the meantime.

My friend, K, had a baby boy over two years ago.  Want to guess when I started making this?  Um...shortly after he was born.  Oh, yeah.  That's right.  It took me for-ev-er to finish this.

Mostly this was due to my tendency to start projects and then before finishing them start another.  Also it is because this is knitting and I've been on a crocheting kick...'cause you really care, I know.

I knew that she loves hockey and that she was having a boy, so I figured a hockey player would suffice.  Of course, then it took me forever to finish it...

I found and purchased the pattern here.  I then created my own chart so that he could be the appropriate team colors (her favorite).

As you can see, he's kinda big.  I made the circular logo on his jersey using crochet and I stitched the skate laces and shirt laces with a blunt needle.

Let's all hope that it won't take me two years to figure out how to get it to her...since we live halfway around the world and all.

Not the most interesting, I know, but I am glad that I finished it and just in case it takes me a long time to get it there, this way they can see it.

I hope to have some more posts soon!

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