January 3, 2010

Best Good Fast Food

And Best Too-Big Dress:

Maybe one day it will fit, Mama.


Hey, what is this thing?

I know! A ball!



So it is too big.  To be fair, however, the pattern is for a size 2T.  As in not even an 18-24 month.  And since she is only 19 months old, and a small one at that, I think that it is just fine.  Better for her to grow into it than to be already out of it.

Our best fast food of the day is Jason's Deli.  It is one of our favorite quick places to eat.  We went there tonight, in fact.  Miss Thing had a hot dog sans bun, strawberries, apple, baked potato and some of the beef off of my sandwich.  She also ate two crackers and had milk.  Her belly was protruding just a bit afterward.  Good grief MaGee.

That is all; carry on.

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