January 22, 2009


  • The other day I was placing new coffee in our air-tight refrigerator bound canister because we had used up the previous set of grounds. I cleaned the canister out and cleaned the scoop and placed it in the can. I then poured the new bag of coffee into the can. Yup, without taking the scoop out. Every day is like digging for treasure. Plastic, functional treasure. At least we own more than one scoop.
  • Babies make you stoopid. See above.
  • Rootin' Tootin' Cowgirl grabbed my finger this morning and shoved it into her mouth for gumming. Except that instead of gumming, there was a sharpness to one itty bitty spot. Methinks a tooth is about to show itself.
  • I can't wait to clean today.
  • If you think I was genuine with that last one, boy do you not know me.
  • I *ahem* inherited that 'trait' from my Mom - the one about hating cleaning, although the sarcasm is shared a bit as well.
  • I finished my first Christmas stocking on Monday. It took me about a week working off and on, which is encouraging. I assumed I would mess up majorly (which I didn't - also encouraging), so I failed to check the gauge before making the whole thing. This means that I ended up with a really loooooong stocking. As in longer than the baby...who is more than two feet in length.
  • Figures, eh? The one thing I cannot stand these days is anything that wastes my time. And yet, I mange to accomplish that feat almost daily. See above.
  • Rocket Man and I attempted to go to the Houston Museum of Natural Science. It seems like a cross between a natural history museum and a science museum. Unfortunately, everyone in Houston went down there on Saturday right before we did. So, we ended up driving down there, searching in vain for parking for a while, then we gave up on the museum and failed in our attempt to find the arboretum. GIANT waste of time.
  • Bones season one is fab. I heart Zach.
  • Doris Day is also fab. Clementina and I heart her. Rocket Man wants to strangle her (due to the frequency with which we listen to her); fortunately this is impossible with a CD.
  • I think that is enough. Why? Because Little Miss Itty Bitty is done taking her morning mini-nap.
  • I'm out.


  1. All Bones' seasons are fabulous, except I heart Boothe (Booth?). More my type.

    Yay a tooth! Almost the same time as N! These girls just HAVE to be friends!

  2. I hope you don't give up on making it to the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center. The parking is free and it is well worth the trip.
    There are 5 miles of hiking trails to enjoy. Here's the link with a map on how to get there http://www.houstonarboretum.org/hours.asp
    If you are on 610, take the Woodway/Memorial exit. Turn on Woodway into Memorial Park and the entrance to the Arboretum is the first right.

  3. I don't heart Zach in that sense. More in a I heart his character 'cause he makes me laugh, etc. kinda way...they're all pretty fun really.
