December 7, 2008

Cruel, Cruel World Part Two

DISCLAIMER: No Babies Were Involved
in the Creating of This Post


I fell.

Thursday evening.

As I was walking down the stairs to go get ready for bed.

In my hands I held a plate and two dirty diapers.

Boy did I fall.

I slammed onto the stairs full force on one side.

Luckily I was not fully on my back or front as I am fairly certain things would have been broken.

The offended body parts were immediately swollen.

The diapers survived, but that cannot be said of the plate.

I am pretty sore to say the least.

We've been checking the area to see what the bruising will be like since I was immediately certain that it would be pretty fantastic.

Boy is it ever:

The universe, it is laughing at me.

As should be obvious by the shape of that bruise.



  1. at least you weren't holding E!
    feel better soon.
    awesome bruise, btw =)
