November 2, 2008

You Act Like a Monkey...

The first weekend in October, we visited the Houston Zoo. It is located in the museum district, which I cannot believe Rocket Man and I had never really visited. We are excited to plan more trips to that area.

The Zoo is very nice, with loads of shade pretty much everywhere...except the children's area. Whoever planned that should be shot and quartered(this is Texas, y'all) because who behaves best when hot, sweaty, tired and such? That's right, children.

We saw loads of interesting animals, many that I had not seen before. For example, the asian elephants:

The baby of the group was practicing his balance beam routine:

What is it with babies and gymnastics?

Then there were these two. I don't remember what they are, but their stripes are interesting.

They also have horns, but they are nothing when compared to these guys:

They aren't longhorn cattle, but again, I don't recall what they are.

Then we saw this animal at the zoo:

She was workin' the camera.

Oh, and there were zebras...which we found oh so interesting.

And lastly, in the children's area they had this guy:

Who apparently doesn't mind the lack of shade.

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