October 3, 2008


Rootin' Tootin' Cowgirl decided that yesterday was a good day to mix things up a bit.

By mix things up, I mean wake up at 3:30am and then be rather fussy all the stinkin' day long.

Okay, so it really wasn't all day.

It was rather stinkin' though, since I remained in my pajamas all day.


Showers are overrated.

Not really, but managing to get one with in infant is a feat indeed.

I think it is the first time I've done that since she arrived in May, so I consider that an accomplishment.

I wouldn't have been able to do so if not for the visitors who helped out along the way.

Thanks to Rocket Man (of course) and Guga, Papa Jim, Kass, Grammie, Pop Pop, R-Shelly, Jenky, Rissa-Roo and Uncle Brrrnnnnnt.

I made that last one up just now. Hope it is okay.

It made me laugh anyway.

OH SO TRUE it is.

Anyway, the reason she was up so much and so fussy and apparently hungry all day is because of this:

Oh, yes. RTC got up at 3:30am to eat, and then decided that it was the perfect time to practice this. She started out with only the right hand and foot, but during the day she worked very hard and became fairly consistent with being able to grab both feet with both hands at the same time.

In fact, this morning she awoke at 5:30 (after waking to eat at 1:30am and 4:00am to eat...growing much?) and began practicing it in her bed. She soon wanted an audience and a better place to work on her moves - the floor - so it was up and at 'em for me as well.

No worries - I have showered and am in real people clothes to boot.

Impressed, aren't you?

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that's so cute. Nadia did the same thing, trying to shove her feet down her throat even. Little gumbi, definitely not the inflexible statue her mother is. (Can't touch my toes even.)

    But you poor thing with no sleep. I know, it's completely demoralizing. It could be that she's entering the sleep regression stage. Both N and my friend's son (a week younger) went through this at about 4 -5 months. It's because there are so many new skills they are trying to master, their brains don't want to rest. Her son was teething on top of it all so she had it much worse than I.

    Another tidbit of info that is not readily available (ever notice how people like to blame everything on teething though it rarely is?), your hair may start falling out a bit and you may get migraine-esque headaches this month. I don't know if this is more common in breastfeeding moms though I would venture to say it is. Despite what granolies say, it can take a toll on one's energy and body. But it's all worth it!
