October 23, 2008

Geat Ganny

Courtesy of Thing Two, my Granny has a new name. It is Geat Ganny. That's right, no R people. Get with the program.

Little Miss Itty Bitty finally got to meet her Geat Ganny this past weekend. Maybe I should switch that since LMIB had no clue she even had a Geat Ganny until then. GG was so exceptionally excited to get her hands on LMIB, though.

We traveled Thursday, via plane and car, to Virginia. Then I was up all night long as apparently traveling changed LMIB's clock and made it all wonky. Excellent indeed.

Friday we were at the house in the morning along with my brother's family. It was wonderful to spend time together. LMIB had never been around children who were that excited to see her or who could get that close to her, though, so she did not know what to think!

After spending her morning in very close proximity to Thing One

and Thing Two

she was a little worn out. We went up to see Geat Ganny so that they could spend some quality time together one-on-one. The initial meeting can be summed up by this photo:

LMIB is about to pass out and Geat Ganny is just a talking.

After sitting with her in a dazed state for a while, LMIB got very tired and just fell right to sleep in GG's arms. GG didn't like that one bit, no she did not. She also did not tell everyone we met as we were leaving that it had happened, no siree.

Once LMIB was recharged, things got more interesting. For example, she actually noticed GG:

Then they had some fun:

We always enjoy visiting with Granny, and she with us, but this time I have a feeling we both enjoyed ourselves a little more than usual. One thing is for certain: LMIB loves her GG!

1 comment:

  1. Those are some really special pictures. Hopefully Granny will get some printed copies to put up in her apt.
    Great to see you guys this past weekend.
    Take care!
