July 13, 2008

12 of 12 July

As always, thanks to Chad for the idea. All photos were taken in Houston, Texas.

7:31 - Sr. CC, Sta. Clementina, and Pantalones Cortez relax together.

7:32 - Here's the milk I expressed after feeding Sta. Clementina this morning at 6. Oh, the joys of babyhood.

7:46 - We all got ready and headed out for a walk around the neighborhood.

10:45 - Our Spain shelves. You can see two kinds of pottery, our San Roque book, the fan from Cordoba, our bull from Poble Espanyol in Barcelona, and (not really from Spain, but close enough), the Rock of Gibraltar memento from the project and a sample of Gibraltar crystal. And yes - we don't have anywhere else to display things in the house.

10:47 - Is this not the cutest thing ever? B&B sent this to Sta. Clementina and if she doesn't want it (though I fail to see how that could possibly happen) then I sure do! Cuteness in a wee knit package. Fabulous!

10:48 - Pantalones Cortez is wondering why oh why he isn't allowed to bark at the yard men. Aside from the fact that it is Saturday and they aren't even close to our house as they aren't our yard men, there's the whole NOT YOUR JOB factor, dog. Jeepers.

10:49 - Sleepy-head demonstrating perfect form.
How tough it is to be zero.

13:18 - Lunch was a sandwich (turkey, spinach, colby-jack and mustard) and some of these. They are addictive, so watch out!

13:19 - While I ate, I read some of this book. Mom left a few books here in case I have time to read. I've figured out how to read while feeding Sta. Clementina, among other things and so far I've read three of the books she left for me.

13:20 - Sr. CC's Mom, AKA Grammie, made this for Sta. Clementina. Everyone together now: Awww

18:12 - Bath time!

18:59 - Don't get excited; the "sleep" only lasted about two seconds after this photo was taken. Sta. Clementina is waving to all of you. Howdy indeed.

That is it. My day is still baby oriented, but she's only six weeks old, so that is to be expected. I think my Mom (Guga) will be here next month on the twelfth, so maybe the photos, and my day, will be a little more exciting!

Hasta luego,
~ CC


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    congrats on the new baby. she is darling. and its nice to see a fellow 12 of 12'er from nearby. I'm from the galveston area.

  2. AWWW! That's all I need to say :)

  3. Babies everywhere!

    I like that you are actually IN one of your pictures this month :P

  4. Sta. Clementina is indeed beautiful. I love her little wave. :)

    And Pantalones Cortez is pretty cute, too! You're a lucky gal!

  5. I've heard from a friend, about a friend of hers (whose baby is 6 months younger than my friend's baby), whose only time to read was when breastfeeding! In case you find it useful - www.bookmooch.com is a good website for swapping books. You pay to post books out, which earns you points that you spend mooching books from other people.

    She's a real cutie, especially waving to us :D I love your Spanish shelf! (excuse any typos I've missed - I'm 2.3 down a bottle of red wine!)

  6. Anonymous10:33 PM

    our 12of12 kind of look the same, even though we're from completely diffrent places.. but both full of our baby pics.. my babygirl is 8 weeks..:-)
