October 13, 2007

October 12 of 12

October is Cooper's birthday month. He will be four years old on the 20th. I decided to let him show you a day in his life for this month's 12 of 12. The rules for the photos are over at Chad's site. Head on over to check out what everyone else in the world was doing today. Enjoy!

10:56 - Sotogrande, Spain

This morning I spent some time with Dad since he was home on holiday. I did my usual first position pose: paw on the leg to show ownership. I've gotta make sure he knows who is in charge!

11:34 - Sotogrande, Spain

Since Dad was home today instead of off wherever it is he goes all the day long, I was very hopeful that we would get to play...

11:35 - Sotogrande, Spain

...but unfortunately, he had other plans. Woe is me.

12:32 - Sotogrande, Spain

YAY! My favorite time of day: walking time. I wear my halt collar and Dad and I inspect the neighborhood together while Mom runs.

13:33 - Sotogrande, Spain

Ahhhh - water. There's no better way to end a walk. I like to drink copious amounts of water to ensure that I get to go back outside as soon as possible.

13:34 - Sotogrande, Spain

I carefully select a couple of tiles to lie down upon while I cool off.

14:18 - Sotogrande, Spain

Mom brought out the blue blanket after her shower and we snuggled for a little while. She thinks that blanket is hers, but I'm telling you - if she leaves it out, I am totally taking over.

15:54 - Sotogrande, Spain

Walks always wear me out. I napped until Mom took this photograph. Silly woman and her camera...I'll never understand those humans.

16:14 - Sotogrande, Spain

Dad was poking that small black box thing all day. By now, I was really trying to make him feel bad - check out the pouty-face made in his direction. Again, woe is me.

16:15 - Sotogrande, Spain

Someone a whole building over dared to ring someone else's doorbell. I am the master of protection (especially from something so awful as a doorbell), so I immediately ran to the front door to inspect.

16:16 - Sotogrande, Spain

No one was at the door, so I ran through the apartment to the patio and searched my yard for the intruder...to no avail.

16:16 - Sotogrande, Spain
Bonus Photo: Orange

Here is my blanket. It is warm and snuggly, so I love it.

17:06 - Sotogrande, Spain

At last!!! Shoe success! Dad played with me while he was working out. Hooray!

There's a day in the life of Cooper AKA chompy-lones. Hope you enjoyed it!
Hasta pronto,
~ CC


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    This was a great idea. I whole day in Cooper's POV ... Awesome. He is such a cute dog.

    Great pics!

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    omigod! too adorable!!!! I should do this with Benny one day! :)

  3. Cooper is adorable. He looks like an animated stuffed animal, he's so cute. And he obviously knows it. What kind of dog is he?

  4. Cute. Make sure you say Happy Bday to Cooper for me. I finally did a 12 of 12 post


    It only took me several hours to get everything set up right :)


  5. Thanks everyone for the comments - I shall pass on the compliments to Cooper. As if I need to make his head any bigger - ha. He is a Lakeland Terrier and he so knows that he is a cutie!

    ~ CC

  6. It's such a hard life, isn't it? ;-)

    Helen (12 of 12er, Devon)

  7. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Cooper is ADORABLE.

    Frieda and Moogie send a huge WoOoOoF :O)

  8. I love Cooper-Day!!

  9. Cute dog and such a great idea !!!! ^_^

  10. Cooper, thanks for sharing your day with us!! Good luck with the blanket. ;)


  11. Cooper is so cute, like a little muppet!
