August 29, 2007

Where, Oh Where?

Let's see...where have I been?

Nowhere, really. Here, but not blogging.

A monthly wrap-up for your perusal:

We attended a show at the bullring that included a fabulous piano player, singers, band (complete with Kenny G-esque sax player), flamenco dancers and dancing andalucian horses.

I then spent my time finalizing our plans for a visit to Dublin, Ireland and environs. We were there from the tenth until the fourteenth. Mostly it went off without a hitch.

I've been to castellano classes once a week.

The car is in the shop and every time we call we are told "I think it will be finished the car at the end of this week or the beginning of next week." That is what we get for having a car in the shop in Spain in August...when everyone is on vacation.

On the twenty-fourth we attended a team-building (excuse for a party - ha!) extravaganza at a chiringuito here in Sotogrande. What is that, you ask? Why, a chiringuito is a beach bar that serves tasty treats in addition to copious amounts of alcohol. Karen has a post that deftly describes the evening complete with a photograph. Yes, we did eat the fish cooking on stakes on the sand-filled boat fire.

Cooper has had some interesting developments this month as well. For starters, he has a new bed. It is big and floppy and he appears to like it (now that he has accepted that it is the norm). Secondly, the vet who owns the kennel where he stays when we leave town declared him "un perrito bueno" and told me that he is so good with other dogs now. Any of you who know Cooper at all...or have heard our doggy meets doggy tales...know that this is an improvement indeed. We were going to have a doggy play-date with two seventy-pound-plus golden retrievers this past weekend, but it fell through. Good times are guaranteed when that occurs - we'll try to videotape it. Lastly, today he was groomed and although he still was so excited to arrive there that he was a bit loud, today was the first time that when I arrived to pick him up he was calm and collected...and of course he did not want to leave. Go figure.

So. There you have my month more or less. Yes, I did participate in 12 of 12. I have not posted it yet for whatever reason. It will come soon enough, along with more info on most of what I have written about here. All will have photographs, of course. I can't seem to do much posting without the photographs. They are my favorite part.

Hasta pronto,
~ CC

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