I have some fabulous news dear audience. The immensely-popular R-Shelly of Stinky-Britches fame... she who coined the term Fungus-Toes... has officially become... a Hokie! We've all known she is destined for great things, but this: THIS! is GREAT. NESS. Soon she will have weekly trips to the delectable Sub Station II: Soon she will be purchasing her textbooks at the Tech Bookstore: Oh, the fun she will have! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !
Nothing is certain. A caesura is a pause. It usually signifies something important or that a change is taking place. Our lives can be measured by the caesuras that occur. How we handle ourselves in these times defines who we are. I'm trying my best to handle things and this blog is my documentation.
I like the new look!